Printed A3 Learning Resources


3 diagnostic charts showing Fields of Diagnosis, Cohorts of Patients and the Inflammatory Cycle.

This is an additional learning resource for the online course Fast Track to Better Practice.

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Three A3 charts that are a learning resource for the online course:

1. The cohorts of patients

how to visualize placing your patient in treatment cohorts, when making your diagnosis. Helps you decide whether or not the patient is within or without your skill set for treatment. In the modern setting patients can fall into 4 basic groupings, namely:

  1. Able to heal easily.
  2. Those with degrees of obstruction to healing events. 
  3. Those within whom healing events are rare due to long suppression.   
  4. Those patients who are outside the remit for treatment.    

knowing which one your patient may be in – is an important part of forming a treatment plan. On the Practical Course we learn to recognise all 4 groups. 

2. The constitutional fields of diagnosis

Approaching the patient from a constitutional perspective means being able to identify and use the fields of diagnosis to embrace the fullest context of why your patient may not be in optimum health. Knowing how to ask the right questions and where, is a key part of making a diagnosis and formulating a treatment strategy. Often the answers to the questions you and the patient need, require looking outside the box of medical pathology for clinical answers.

3. The constitutional immune system and the inflammatory cycle

We cannot use the orthodox explanation of immunity and approach the patient from a constitutional perspective. Constitutional Immunity is about the body being free to clean and heal us. Knowing where your patient is within this normal process, is an important part of being able to interpret where your patient is on the path to health. Only when we are confident about how the patient is doing during treatment, can we confidently mentor the patient back to health, in a safe professional way.