The British Institute of Osteopathy regularly hold events for both members and non-members. To enquire about availability to do talks for your society please email Howard. [email protected]

Events 2025

Crunch Brunch – Friday 16th May 2025

A ‘taster session’ in the Practical application of Constitutional Osteopathic Treatment

This is an exploratory event based around the Practical Application of the Osteopathic Constitutional General Treatment approach as used and developed by Howard Beardmore DO. Howard has evolved and updated this approach and this Master Class seminar is your opportunity to experience this approach in a safe setting group of no more than 8 Osteopaths. We meet at Howard’s practice in Reading Berkshire for brunch at 11am, we can discuss and explore everything from how to make a constitutional diagnosis right through treatment and ways to manage patients. We conclude at 4pm with an option to take a further more in depth Practical Course.

Howard loves to talk and demonstrate Osteopathy having organised and run Post graduate courses for over 25 years. He has also taught at Undergraduate level, and been a key player in the profession, sending out informative newsletters with cutting edge clinical articles. If you have questions on anything Osteopathic, Howard will endeavour to get to the answer!

We will explore real cases, technique and method, of what it really means to treat a patient using a constitutional General Treatment approach. It is a chance to ask anything you like and leave with the best answers you could get from Howard who uses this approach every day in his clinic.

Following on from this there will be launched a new Practical Master class course which will get you on the road to applying a Constitutional Osteopathic approach. This new Practical course is due to start on Friday 8th September 2025 on a series of 5 alternate Fridays until 24th October 2025.
A superfast track Practical Course in a group of no more than 6 Osteopaths – more details soon.

Crunch Brunch takes place at Howard’s practice in Reading and it’s a heads up hands on event that will provide 5 hours of CPD learning with others. Places are limited to 8 Osteopaths and suitable for all levels of experience.

Starts at 11am prompt and runs until 4pm on Friday 16th May 2025.

For more details email [email protected] – places are going to go fast!


Previous Events 2024

Sunday 17th November 2024 – BIO Member’s Day 2

The morning will focus on the  context of the Osteopathic diagnosis which at it’s core is about identifying obstructions to health. That is the Osteopath’s unique approach to the patient’s dilemma and is no longer taught formally as core work. Lots of opportunity to bring your cases for ‘unpacking’ and ‘reassembly’. Having mentored many Osteopaths over the last 30 years Howard always enjoys the diagnostic journey and so does the patient!

Lunch we break for Celeriac soup with organic English wild black truffles, source by Howard with his homemade wild sour dough! Lunch should always be an extension of the day.

The afternoon is about technique. The General Osteopathic treatment routine should be about diagnosis, palpation and treatment. This is where we really get to the coalface of practice, drawing on a rich source of Osteopathic philosophy and put it into practice. Your chance to ask questions and see the approach demonstrated!

Howard will demonstrate and facilitate the day and where possible illustrate every Osteopathic principle with a case illustration to really help you nail where the ideas come from and why they work.


Sunday 28th April 2024 – BIO member’s day 1

The importance of good bowel health with Howard Beardmore DO and Henry Lee DO

This day will focus on good bowel health, from what goes in to what goes out! Diet, lesionology covering all the fields from mental, physiological to mechanical to proximate principles, signs that tell us something is wrong and right!. Howard explores the great contribution that the Osteopathic approach has to offer patients who may present with ‘top to bottom’ GIT issues and how we might both approach and understand the Constitutional approach. As always, Howard uses real case with illustrated case histories to ‘get behind’ the symptoms and walk the walk on delivering the Osteopathy. Henry will deliver his thoughts and methods on his experience of over 30 years of practice using General treatment. Henry and Howard first met at the Maidstone college over 30 years ago as tutor and student, then shared roles teaching Osteopathy and passing on as much as we can – a great re union and plenty of Osteopathic stories to share.

Great opportunity also to re visit some great two man, three man, four man techniques that don’t often get used these days!

The quiz this time will cover core bullet points and let’s make sure we get into teams and find some winners!

Sunday 19th November 2023 – BIO member’s day 2

Subject to be confirmed

Examples of events so far 2023

With Howard Beardmore DO and live link from the Advanced Gerson Clinic Baja Mexico

When we make a constitutional diagnosis we are opening a pathway to constitutional healing that can take both the practitioner and patient on an interesting journey back to health.

Managing our patients through this healing process can be challenging at times, but handled well it is always rewarding for everyone involved. Mentoring a patient back to health takes skill and understanding of the processes of cleaning and healing, we also have to be able to judge the reserves that the patient has to successfully complete the healing journey.

BIO uses four basic groups when we assess the cohorts of patients we may see everyday, spanning the simple patient right up to those patients whose presentation may not be deemed suitable to treat from a constitutional perspective. This may be because the patient doesn’t have the resources to make the journey or because the practitioner does not have the skill set to take on the task and makes a good clinical decision to refer.

This day seminar explores why we may alter the clinical decisions we have made as part of the clinical journey. Maybe the patient can’t cope, maybe the case is unfolding in a way we need help to recover progress, maybe we need to reign in for a pause. There are lots of reasons to modiify the patient’s journey to health that can be influenced by many factors and this is an important part of developing as a practitioner.

Howard Beardmore DO featuring an in depth interview with a patient who has gone through an extensive cleaning and healing crisis as part of her recovery. This day will be an opportunity to explore decades of experience handling both acute and chronic states of recovery in Osteopathic patients, will presenting a number of real cases to explore why we may have changed, altered or paused a patient’s recovery journey.

The Advanced Gerson Clinic in New Mexico will be speaking via a live link during the day explaining the metabolic processes inherent to the Advanced Gerson method. This will be an exciting opportunity to hear in detail about the approach, live from Baja Mexico.

Osteopathic quiz – This will be based upon teaming up with a BIO member and working out the viscero somatic links on 12 real cases that will be displayed. Can you link the clinical presentations of these cases to the relevant Osteopathic principles and upack the cases?

This day is about sharing the learning from real healing events and gives you an opportunity to bring your own cases and experiences to the table for an interactive day. You will learn the value of Osteopathic principles in both making a diagnosis and formulating a treatment plan!

Howard will speak in the morning, opening the vocabulary of the acute, sub acute and chronic stages of health activity, illustrated with cases. Placing your patient on the timeline of health and predicting what may happen in your patient is an important part of preparation. We need to teach the patient how to prepare for cleaning and healing events, how to stay in contact and work as a team with the practitioner as a mentor.

We will take an interview with a patient who has experienced the ups and downs of a constitutional recovery to learn more about mentoring the patient over a journey spanning 25 years showing how with the right mentoring a patient can regain their health, as part of a team.

Lunch will be vegetarian homemade organic soup with Howard’s celebrated wild sour dough, salads and a range of drinks and refreshments all provided.

Live presentation from the Baja Gerson Clinic  Mexico unpacking the metabolic process behind the Advanced Gerson therapy method.

Diving into the practical session we will take apart the Osteopathic General Treatment and dig in until the end of the day at 4pm.

Organic vegetarian lunch and all refreshments will be provided.

This event is restricted to current BIO members 2023, Osteopaths and Osteopathic delegates who have enrolled on the New BIO Practical Course starting January 14th 2024 listed on our new CPD page who can come gratis if they enrol on the Practical Course before the 19th November!

Interactive talk at BCOM to students, originally booked for a one and a half hour presentation exploring Osteopathic diagnosis using Howard’s diagnostic charts . On students request on the day turned into a 3 hour megathon – “we learned more in 3 hours than we have in 4 years about Osteopathy!” It is always a pleasure showing Osteopathic students what is possible with the real Osteopathic approach, no osteolite here.

As always Howard uses real case histories to walk through how Osteopathic principles are as useful as they always were  – in both making a modern Osteopathic diagnosis and formulating a treatment plan. What has changed is the context, when Osteopathic principles were written patients had little opportunity to suppress the healing reactions with over the counter medications. If we are to apply Osteopathy in it’s fullest sense we cannot do it without and Osteopathic narrative and that has been missing  from RQ education for 20 years.

If ‘they want to know what has gone wrong with Osteopathy’ perhaps they should look at what they did to the curriculum! osteolite is not Osteopathy!

Wed 1st March 2023 12.30 – 3.30pm

As usual Howard spoke to students for free, as part of the payback to the education sector which is in serious need of an overhaul. Howard also offered 50% discount on his legendary Fast Track to Better Osteopathic Practice course

Students that took up this offer of this healthy discount are well on their way to being at the front of the curve on graduation! If you would like Howard to talk at your college and put the Osteopathy back into the learning then email him on [email protected]

Sunday 23rd April 2023 – BIO member’s day 1

10am till 4pm in Reading Berkshire UK

Making an Osteopathic diagnosis from the Constitutional Perspective with Howard Beardmore DO and Quentin Shaw DO

Howard has known Quentin since the start of his Osteopathic career. Quentin was the Vice Principle of the Maidstone college and it is with great delight we are re-connecting to show what decades of Osteopathic practice can really do in the modern clinical setting. More details on the breakdown of this day covering factors to consider in both Osteopathic Practice and diagnosis will follow, but rest assured this will not be an osteolite event. Watch this space – booking details soon!

Making an Osteopathic diagnosis has completely fallen off the radar in what is supposed to be ‘higher education’. This day is all about reconnecting with what an Osteopathic diagnosis means and how we may approach the patient from the Osteopathic perspective, shared by two DO’s who walk the walk. You won’t find a more practically useful day anywhere!

All refreshments provided with organic vegetarian lunch

Examples of previous events 2022

Howard Beardmore: Making an Osteopathic Diagnosis 

KESO welcomes Howard on an interactive journey through making a constitutional diagnosis. Using case histories from his own practice Howard unpacks a great approach to making a modern Osteopathic diagnosis, showing his clinical approach to solving problems – all illustrated with slides of case histories.

Wed, 26 January 2022, 19:15 – 21:30 GMT

The Spa Hotel, Tunbridge Wells

BIO Members’ Day with Dr Robert Verkerk of the International Alliance for Health

Hosted by Howard Beardmore DO who will present a new look at how to approach the role of nutrition in the Practice:

‘Nutrition for Practitioners’ a Practical review of nutrition for the various stages of ‘cleaning and healing’ during the stages of the Constitutional Approach

Organic soup lunch provided with all refreshments – the day will provide 6 hours of ‘learning with others’ towards your CPD requirement.

Sun, 29 May 2022, 10:00 – 16:00 GMT      BIO member’s day – Film of Dr Rob’s presentation now in BIO member’s area

Bristol Osteopathic society presents 

‘Exploring Osteopathic diagnosis in the modern clinical setting’  

Monday 4th October 2022 in Bristol 7pm

Howard will explore his evolved Osteopathic approach to diagnosis by illustrating real case histories – showing how it is possible to apply an Osteopathic principled approach to modern clinical practice. Osteopathic principles are as relevant today as they always were, what has changed is the types of patients we see every day in practice. Nowadays patients take over the counter medications to suppress cleaning and healing reactions and it has therefore been necessary to take this into account if we are to approach the patient in a truly Osteopathic way. We have to understand that not allowing the body to maintain itself is a key issue to solve if we are to make progress with cases and allow the immune system to clean and heal us.

The Osteopathic oath, that A T Still derived from the Hippocratic Oath; makes a clear statement that we have a ‘duty to ever further the development of basic biological truths and develop the principles of Osteopathy’ . Howard believes that his work for 25 years clearly demonstrates that the evolution of Osteopathy must be centred around how to address these modern patient cohorts and support them to stable solutions to their problems.

The Osteopathic fields of diagnosis and treatment are identifying the obstructions to health and removing them. Be prepared to discovery something truly remarkable and very simple!

This will be an interactive presentation that will give you thinking tools to start using the day after in your clinic.

Open to members of the Bristol Osteopathic Society with limited places.


‘Technique focus on General Treatment approaches’     

Sunday 20th November 2022 10: – 16:00 GMT     BIO members’ day 

Guest speaker Magda Taylor from the ‘Informed Parent’ who will be presenting an interactive session based on her decades of research:

Do germs cause disease?
Why do we get sick?
Immunity – will this turn out to be another word for health?
What do the symptoms of disease represent?
Do antibodies protect us from germs?
What role do viruses play?
Is the science of today based on proven theories or just assumptions?
Where are the control experiments?           

Howard Beardmore DO will be unpacking aspects of the General Treatment approach with an interactive technique session, film now in BIO member’s area

An organic soup and trimmings, wild English truffles – if Dotty dog finds any, salads and all refreshments will be provided as part of the BIO members day package.
